Your Care With Adjusted Living
Our entire approach to your care plan is focused on supporting neuroplasticity and your nervous system. It simply means ensuring that the body’s most important system may rest, unwind, heal, grow, and adapt.
Getting Started With Us

First Visit
STEP 1: Consultation Scheduling
STEP ONE is to schedule a consultation with our doctor. Dr. Ryan looks deeply into your child’s case history unlike any other expert, truly listening & taking the time to identify the root cause for your child’s health challenges, you will notice a significant difference from standard doctors right away.
STEP 2: Insight Scans
STEP TWO is a deep dive into the functionality of your child’s central nervous system, utilizing an extraordinary set of technologies known as INSiGHT Scans. They are made up of three (3) separate scans that are used to identify, gauge, and quantify the amount of stress and tension that could be stuck in your child’s autonomic nervous system.
These scans are looking for three key things subluxation, dysautonomia, and vagal nerve dysfunction; these three terms can be summed up as stressed, worn-out, and dysfunctional nervous system. Check out this post to discover more about these amazing technologies employed across our PX Docs Network! Check out that article here.
Step 3: Care Plan
STEP THREE is determining an exact, customized Care Plan that meets your child’s specific needs. With our office being a certified PX office we have access to a first of its kind neurologically-based care planning system that is currently used by more than 1000 pediatric chiropractors globally, Adjusted Livings Clinical Care stands apart in this area.
This Care Planning System merges the specific details of your child’s case history (traumas, toxins, illnesses, etc.) with the results of our neurological exam and INSiGHT Scan findings, to determine the frequency of adjustments and duration of care your child needs. There is no “one size fits all” or “cookie cutter” approach used as in the majority of health care; everything is entirely tailored and personalized to that specific family member.

Second Visit
STEP 4: Report Of Findings
STEP FOUR is sitting down with Dr. Ryan at what’s called the Report of Findings visit, to go over the INSiGHT Scan and exam findings, your child’s personalized care plan (frequency and duration of care along with financial plan breakdown) and having all of your questions and concerns addressed. This is such an exciting visit for families, as they finally have a clear path to get their child’s health + healing back on track!
STEP 5: Adjustments
STEP FIVE is getting right to work on unwinding that stuck tension and stress from your child’s nervous system via a safe and gentle tonal Adjustment that is tailored for that specific family member. While many parents may initially get nervous about starting something new like chiropractic care for their kids and family, they are immediately put at ease when they see just how gentle and easy-going things are with a neurologically-focused, pediatric chiropractic care. Get ready for lots of laughs, relaxation, better sleep, and some amazing healing!

Ongoing Care
Based on your care plan, we will work together to ensure you and your family receive the right amount and type of ongoing care.
Who We Serve

A pediatric chiropractor does not treat these issues, but instead promotes the bodies’ natural ability to heal and regulate itself by keeping the nervous system balanced and functioning at its greatest potential. At Adjusted Living, we are pediatric chiropractors extensively trained to help your littles have the best start to life so that they may express life at its fullest. An infant adjustment is incredibly safe and requires no more pressure than you’d use to test the ripeness of a tomato.
- Greater sense of ease
- Increased sleep
- Reach milestones appropriately
- Less colic/reflux
- Diminished allergies
- Less asthma
- Improved digestion
- Less hyperactivity and sensory challenges
- Less ear infections
- Increased immune system function
- Enhanced athletic performance
- Improvement in behavior
- More emotional connection and regulation
Pregnancy is one of life’s greatest journeys and gifts, while there are plenty of changes that come along with it. Hormonal changes, physical changes, some anxiety, lots of excitement, the sense of wonder with the anticipation of the upcoming labor and delivery. At Adjusted Living, we believe that you can have the pregnancy that you desire and we are honored to support you and baby through this amazing journey.
Whether you are trying to conceive or currently expecting, It is so import that the nervous system is in balance throughout pregnancy. When a mother’s nervous system is at ease, her brain, her body and even baby can be at ease.
Prenatal chiropractic adjustments help expectant mothers to have a balance in both the nervous system and structural positioning, which is vital to the development of baby. A mother’s pelvis must be in a state of harmony and balance not only for her comfort but also for her baby’s comfort. If there is structural harmony, growth and development are effortless, and mom is better able to adapt to her constantly changing body, and pregnancy is so much more enjoyable.
Webster Technique
For expecting mothers seeking to reduce tension and experience a more empowered pregnancy, chiropractic care with the Webster Technique is the trusted solution for thousands of women all over the world. Dr. Ryan is Webster Certified through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association.
Once we balance your nervous system through Torque Release Technique we will then progress to The Webster Technique which focuses on bringing the pelvis and surrounding muscles and ligaments into balance during pregnancy. This creates optimal nervous system function and more room for the baby to turn head-down and be in an optimal position for birth.
Simply stated, a balanced pelvis and optimally positioned baby make for an easier labor and delivery. Well-informed birth professionals love to hear that their moms are receiving Webster Technique because it significantly reduces complications and labor time.
At Adjusted Living, we are here to support, educate, and empower you throughout your pregnancy. We look forward to becoming apart of your birth team!
- more comfortable pregnancy
- create a stronger connection between mom and baby
- shorter labor times
- more room for baby to grow and move freely
- improved energy levels
- fewer interventions
Perinatal Care
A healthy postpartum recovery is essential to establish breastfeeding, help your family adjust to the newest addition (whether it’s the first child or beyond), and to support a mother’s emotional and physical health. Postpartum chiropractic adjustments aid beautifully in this process to help your body release stored tension and then build new healthy pathways allowing you to be the best expression of yourself for you and your family.
Parenting is no joke.
Pretty much every moment of our lives as parents has us feeling like Stretch Armstrong, being pulled in a thousand different directions at once. It’s constant mental gymnastics with our calendar trying to juggle all of our children’s needs, our work life, and dinner not to mention if we can just get a few minutes to ourselves to decompress it’s a miracle.
And in today’s overscheduled, over committed and undermanned world many of us parents somehow get pulled into – this “new normal” where parent life is one filled with sleep deprivation, low energy, constant tension, exhaustion, headaches, anxiety, and more.
While the demands of parenting today can seem overwhelming, we can assure you that once you add Adjusted Living Chiropractic to the mix – it gets a whole lot smoother.
The most common changes we hear parents experience from their adjustments and care are absolute must haves:
- Better Sleep
- Improved Emotional Balance and Health
- Better Health Habits
- Improved Flexibility and Mobility
- More Energy
As parents when your physical, mental, and emotional health is strong and booming, so will your kids!
Kids don’t learn healthy habits from what we tell them to do, but rather by what they see us do. If we are constantly wound up, stressed out, disorganized, and emotionally drained then our kids will come to adopt that as their norm for their life as well.
But the reverse of that is also true! Kids whose parents are well-adjusted, eat healthy, move often and live empowered then grow up knowing that is how life is meant to be lived.
Those healthy habits become the standard in the most awesome of ways, and in turn passed on for generations to come. That is the entire focus and goal of our Family Care, and we can’t wait to provide that level of care to your entire family!

Helpful Articles
We recommend reading the following articles to learn more about chiropractic care and it’s benefits.
Request An Appointment
We’d love to serve you and your family at Adjusted Living Chiropractic.
Click the button below to request your visit with us.